SWG Elite: Aviva Elite’s Leisure Program Gives Clients More Flexibility

Mar 2020

Canadians are changing the way they spend their leisure time, and the leisure & lifestyle market is changing with it. Retiring boomers are taking over the winter visitor population, opting for smaller camper vehicles as they downsize. Meanwhile, the motorhome vehicle industry has innovated to appeal to both this retiring population and to established millennials, who are opting for RVs over cottages in increasing numbers. (1)


Today’s seniors are retiring later than previous generations, often semi-retired or working part time. This means that vehicles like RVs, motorhomes and trailers appeal to this demographic because they allow boomers to easily travel back home for work or to visit family during the winter. (2) Other tech-savvy boomers combine work and leisure, using technology to work on the road.


Trailers and campers have other advantages for this retiring population: they can offer owners the freedom to explore and connect with nature, with the comfort and convenience of a small home or cottage. In addition, RV parks can provide greater opportunity for connection compared with a cottage in the woods.


South Western Insurance Group’s Aviva Elite Program offers a broad range of coverage in the leisure & lifestyle market, so brokers can offer their clients more coverage options and meet a wider variety of clientele. Our personal lines products are designed to cater to campers, RVs, and trailers; mobile homes; and watercraft.


General Exposures We Cover


Leisure vehicles are an important investment, and with SWG’s broad range of options, clients can vacation with peace of mind. Our coverage includes but is not limited to the following exposures:


1. Campers/RVs/vacation trailers

● Coverage for mechanical and electrical breakdowns, such as flat tires and battery failures

● Roadside assistance, towing, and some fees related to accidents

● Theft of the vehicle or its contents


2.Mobile homes

● Covers the owner in case someone has an accident or is injured while in the home

● Protects the mobile home and its contents in the event of theft, vandalism, or damage

● Covers unintentional damage to someone else’s property


3. Watercraft/boating

● Covers accidents and unexpected damage to the boat and its contents, such as the boat striking a submerged rock or log, a collision, or coverage if the boat sinks

● Covers theft of the boat or its contents, and vandalism

● Provides liability coverage in case one of the passengers is injured


SWG’s Tailored Coverage


In partnership with AVIVA, SWG now offers a unique program with tailored to Canada’s leisure & lifestyle market. This combined expertise helps brokers entering this market to breathe a little easier knowing their policies are backed by specialists.


What’s covered:

● Campers, RVs, vacation trailers

● Golf carts (up to $5,000 for physical damage)

● Tent trailers

● Toy haulers

● Mobile homes – includes summer/seasonal mobile homes and mobiles homes rented out to others

● Cruisers/cuddy boats/houseboats

● Sailboats

● Pontoon boats

● Ski boats

● Sea-Doos

● and more



● A package that offers Guaranteed Replacement Cost for trailers less than ten years old

● A package that offers Replacement Cost for trailers five years old and older

● A package offering Standard for trailers (and golf carts) 15 years old and older.

● Replacement cost coverage available for mobile homes built in 1995 or newer, with consideration given to units “fully” updated within the last 25 years


Visit our website for more details.


Content is current as of the date of broadcast and is subject to change without notice.



  1. https://business.financialpost.com/personal-finance/young-money/balking-at-cottage-prices-millennials-are-driving-rv-sales
