Case Study: Securing Safety for a Quebec Startup Serving Vulnerable Populations

Aug 2024

The Context

A Quebec broker approached SWG’s underwriting team to obtain custom commercial insurance for a startup company. This company provides security services to individuals experiencing homelessness and those who are particularly vulnerable.

The Business Needs

The services catering to individuals with potential addictions, mental health issues, and other vulnerabilities presented significant risks to its staff of specialized and trained security agents. These specific risks required tailored insurance coverage to ensure adequate protection.

Our Solution

With SWG’s expertise, the client secured professional liability (E&O) of $250,000 and commercial general liability (CGL) insurance coverage of $2 million, meeting the unique needs of the business while providing robust protection against identified risks. Additionally, the provided insurance solution satisfied the requirements of the Bureau de la sécurité privée (BSP), which regulates the private security industry in Quebec. Adhering to BSP standards helps in identifying and mitigating specific risks associated with the private security sector, ensuring the client’s operations are compliant and secure.