Good news! No longer will brokers have to send their personal information to South Western Group through cumbersome email attachments or snail mail. We now have a brand new portal that brokers can easily access at any time to update their E&O policy information, fidelity bond coverage and personal data. SWG’s system administrators will send reminders when it is time for your annual renewal and all you need to do is jump online and quickly enter your updates. The system was developed by Intelligent Broker Systems, a company solely involved in automation solutions for program-based insurance providers. Rob Noble, the company’s principal, worked with Cassian Rodrigues, acting CFO of SWG, and Business Analyst Alroy Desa, to design a system that could be easily designed and implemented, despite the company’s complex broker requirements. South Western Group has used the Logiforms platform to design the new broker portal. Noble’s group was hired to design the complete system, provide creative advice in using the platform, as well as train the SWG staff on its capabilities and maintenance. The system was implemented in November when an email was sent to the company’s database of 3,000 active brokers introducing them to the new program. The email included a link to enroll on the new portal, and some were quick to climb on board; the rest are being reminded to do so on a regular basis through automated emails. Now that the system is up and running successfully, Rodrigues is thrilled to have all of the company’s broker information all in one place. “We can now provide a one-stop shop for our brokers to register and come work with us,” he says. “And on our end, we have a consistent broker agreement with every broker. Even more important, from a compliance standpoint, we have updated E&O and Fidelity Bond certificates now on record. For his part, Noble is happy to have helped the company fulfill a critical information need and is quick to praise the SWG team. “Alroy and his co-worker Chao are to be commended for their ability to run with what we introduced them to and really understand our work.”