Professional liability coverage that protects your clients and their firms against claims of inadequate work or negligent actions is what Errors & Omissions Insurance is all about. And nobody does Architects and Engineers E&O better than South Western Insurance Group Limited. The company has been providing architects and engineers with coverage for some 20-plus years. And as senior underwriter, Darlene Hazzard is deeply involved with underwriting the policies these clients need. “The Professional Liability & Commercial General Liability combined program we offer is exclusive to South Western Group,” Hazzard says. “No other company has access to the wording or coverages we write with Lloyd’s of London. And that wording purposely leverages clear allocation language to avoid any coverage disputes.” How does the company’s Architects and Engineers E&O compare with their other professional liability offerings? It is similar but has a critical difference, according to Hazzard. Hazzard points out that South Western Group’s coverage offers a great deal of flexibility. In addition to their combined product, the company can also write:
- Mono-line E&O or CGL risks,
- Single project risks, and
- Policies propelled by either CGL or Professional Liability, depending on the insured’s business
“One of the biggest perks of our policy,” says Hazzard, “is that most insurers do not like to offer defense costs and first dollar defense coverage. We can offer these options no problem. We can also offer bodily injury and property damage coverage, which not all insurers offer under the E&O sections of their policies.” In summing up South Western Group’s approach to Engineers and Architects E&O, Hazzard highlights four big reasons why brokers look to her company for the coverage they need for their clients. “First, we have very competitive rates for architects and engineers and very competitive commissions for our brokers. Second, we have extensive knowledge about these types of insureds and the coverages they require. Third, we provide full protection in the form of a very complete policy. Fourth, we have the ability to offer other coverages separately to meet the individual needs of our insureds.” But what really makes the company stand out as far as Hazzard is concerned, is their approach to customer service. That is what sets their product apart. “We strive for a 24-hour turnaround time for professional liability. We know the brokers we deal with need quotes right away. And because we have underwriting authority, we can usually do that for them.”